(draft) Holiday Coding Topic List
This is a list of topics I consider for the Holiday Coding sessions. Let me know if you’re particularly (dis)interested in a topic.
Some topics are big. Some topics are small. All of them are ideas.
Do Repeat Yourself
- Make things look the same to keep them easy.
- Order of functions in a file
- Name of files and directories easily predictable by a quick file search.
- handleXYZ or XYZhandle.
- snake_case or CamelCase
- writeOutVariablesInFull or x,i,z?
- Makefile / Rakefile
- Making your own CLI
- The art of “one-off” scripts.
- Helper functions in testing setups. (createEvent)
- CLI basics - creating shell scripts.
- Making your own (mini) DSL
- This includes e.g. defining custom layouts and components in front-end.
- Things like custom chaining functions in the backend.
Know your Tools
- Package.json
- ts/jsconfig
- Loggers and Log Levels
- eslint / prettier
- Basic CLI - find, grep, head, tail, sort, uniq, xargs
- Test Tooling:
- Playwright -> pages / storageState / loggedInState
- JEST -> how to use variables in each test case?
Use your tools
- Github
- Sentry
- Amplitude
- Slack (notifications)
AWS Specific (Power) Tooling
- Cloudwatch (and structured logging)
- Queries
- Tailing
- Custom Metrics & Alarms
- DynamoDB
- Lambda
- Step Function
The spectrum from code to infra (AWS)
- Step Functions
- DynamoDB
- Streams
- SQS + Dead Letter Queue
Don’t break the Internet
aka: Know your standards
- HTTP Response codes.
- HTTP (custom) Headers
- HTTP Tags and their attributes
- CSS & data selectors
- For prototyping & testing
- For analytics & tracking (icw e.g. Google Tag Manager)
- Template Languages
- DNS and (local) subdomain control.
Software Architecture Patterns
- Startegies for Mapper(s)
- IF statements
- Treating If statements as a code smell, especially when nested.
- Not because they are inherently bad. But because the smell leads us to areas we can likely improve.
- The deeper the if structure, the bigger the smell.
- The more if statements in a single function, or object for that matter, the bigger the smell.
- Various Strategies of dealing with if statements.
- Push if’s to the outside
- Can you return early?
- Can you skip the if, if you make it somebody else’s problem?
- Swallowing functionality with Objects.
- default values as arguments vs ifs
- value objects vs ifs
- single vs multiple return paths.
- using functions in your statements instead of just statements.
- Switch / Case statements to clarify the process.
- Especially when implementing external protocols (e.g. authorization flows)
- Duck typed objects / Value Objects
- Placing conditions outside or inside a function.
- Is it your problem or not?
- Push if’s to the outside
- Treating If statements as a code smell, especially when nested.
System Architecture Patterns
- SQS vs Direct handling of Lambdas
- API Gateway with Lambda
- Benefits of Idempotent design
- Don’t wake me up at night & defensive coding.
Observability & Cleanliness
It’s easier to hold the 0 line than to judge the mess.
- CloudWatch
- Local Logs
- Keeping Console.log open